Session 13

Title of session: IPS49. The relevance of corruption data for official statistics.

Date: 26 April
Time: 16:00-17:30
Room: S3b Barbakan
StatusNameCountry/affiliationTitle of the contributionBrief summary
OrganizerMr. Adrián FrancoMexico
ChairMr. Adrian FrancoMexico
SpeakerMr. Enrico BisognoAustriaIs the measurement of corruption by official statistics possible?Corruption is a complex and evolving phenomenon; it takes on many forms, is perpetrated by various actors and its hidden and highly collusive nature often prevents an in-depth measurement of its scope and nature.
Despite such challenges, successful experiences in measuring corruption have been implemented by a range of actors, including by the academia, research institutions, civil society organisations and, to some extent, by official statistics. In the area of surveys on the experience of bribery, the UNODC-UNDP Manual on Corruption Surveys (2018) provides detailed methodological guidance on implementing such surveys building on extensive experience by national and international actors.
SpeakerMs. Salomé FloresMéxicoTowards standardization of corruption measurement in Latin America.Corruption is one of the top concerns of people in many countries around the world, particularly in Latin American. This concerns is captured in the common agenda to achieve sustainable development, the 2030 agenda. Among its many targets, this 2030 Agenda has set the ambitious goal of substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms. However, there is no standardized approach to measure the magnitude of corruption, its different forms, and its associated risks, thus it is difficult to monitor progress.
SpeakerMr. Oscar JaimesMexicoCorruption measurement in Mexico: the contribution of the National Statistical and Geographical SystemThe contribution of the National Statistical and Geographic System in the measurement of corruption in Mexico is in charge of the National Subsystem of Information on Government, Public Safety and Justice Administration (SNIGSPIJ). There is an inter-institutional linkage with the National Anticorruption System through the Specialized Technical Committee on Statistical Information on Corruption, which contributes with statistical programs, statistical information, and indicators that can be incorporated into the monitoring and evaluation methodologies of the National Anticorruption Policy.
DiscussantMr. Adrian FrancoMexico
DiscussantMs. Dayana PerezMexico
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