Session 24

Title of session: IPS50. Official statistics can reveal barriers and challenges on violence against women.

Date: 27 April
Time: 13:00-14:30
Room: S4a Mariacki
StatusNameCountry/affiliationTitle of the contributionBrief summary
OrganizerMr. Adrián FrancoMexico
ChairMr. Adrian FrancoMexico
SpeakerMs. Angela MeAustriaModernizing crime and criminal justice statistics to measure femicideThe presentation will discuss the statistical framework to measure gender-related killings of women and girls and the steps that official statistics need to take to embrace the framework, from the modernization of administrative crime statistics to the new way of characterizing and recording homicides. In general terms, gender-related killings of women and girls are committed on the grounds of “gender-related factors such as the ideology of men’s entitlement and privilege over women, social norms regarding masculinity, and the need to assert male control or power, enforce gender roles, or prevent, discourage or punish what is considered to be unacceptable female(...)
SpeakerMs. Francesca GrumUnited States of America“Measuring Violence against Women – a global perspective”.The following is a draft write up of the proposed presentation content:
“UNSD will present international standards and methods approved by the UN Statistical Commission to assist national statistical authorities and other producers of statistics in the collection, analysis, and dissemination of data on Violence against Women (VAW). Indicators on VAW and its enabling factors included in the UN Minimum Set of Gender Indicators and in the global SDG indicators framework will be discussed as well as related availability of data as presented and visualized in the UN Gender Data Portal. UNSD will also touch on how the COVID-19 pandemic(...)
SpeakerMs. Giuseppina MuratoreItalyA multi sources approach to study violence against women during the pandemic period.The Covid-19 pandemic and the measures adopted to contain its spread, as well as the unfolding of the socio-economic consequences of the crisis triggered by the health emergency, may have accentuated the risk of violent behaviors. Many scholars and stakeholders have talked about an emergency in the emergency, UN WOMEN of a shadow pandemic or a shadow crisis. Furthermore, a worsen situation can be faced by minors living in situations of violence and difficulties can also be amplified for particularly vulnerable groups of the population, such as foreign women and women with disabilities, or belonging to disadvantaged social classes (...)
SpeakerMs. Graciela MárquezMexicoMeasuring violence against women in Mexico
DiscussantMr. Adrian FrancoMexico
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