Session 28

Title of session: IPS12. Official statistics in the fight against disinformation

Date: 27 April
Time: 15:00-16:30
Room: S3b Barbakan
StatusNameCountry/affiliationTitle of the contributionBrief summary
OrganizerMr. Lukasz AugustyniakLuxembourg
ChairMr. Lukasz AugustyniakLuxembourg
SpeakerMr. Stephen MacFeelySwitzerlandAccess to the facts - a view from the WHOTransparency – clear metadata and paradata and adherence to recognized statistical standards are important elements in tackling misinformation. But are they enough? This presentation will outline other, more proactive steps being taken by WHO in an attempt to ensure everyone has access to the facts.
SpeakerMs. Olga Świerkot-StrużewskaPolandTackling disinformation at Statistics PolandA rapid and expansive development of social media has entirely changed our perception of information. From the point of view of content providers, information can be easily adapted to their (hidden) agendas - often manipulated and misused. As a result, disinformation has been born. How do official statisticians leverage their position - based on the very solid foundations of the UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics? What concrete examples are there of tracking disinformation, exposing it and correcting fake news? This intervention will address those aspects from the perspective of Statistics Poland.
SpeakerMr. Hernán MunozArgentinaDeveloping a Community of Practice to counter disinformationThe growing trend concerns a technical and institutional capacity building in the communication areas of the National Statistical Offices (NSOs). The increased relevance of data communicators has generated transformations within the organizational structures of Latin American and Caribbean NSOs as well as the adoption of good practices and the strengthening of human resources in these areas. At regional level, CEPEI and Paris21 are developing a Community of Practice on Data-Driven Communication for peer exchange to share success cases and challenges, and establish professional networks, involving close contacts with data journalists and civil society.
SpeakerMr. Lukasz AugustyniakLuxembourgDealing with false information - a perspective from the European Statistical SystemIn 2021, a group of experts from Eurostat and the European Statistical System (ESS) NSOs formed a subgroup of the Task Force on ESS Strategic Communication, to look at how to handle disinformation. The subgroup first examined what disinformation means in the context of official statistics and agreed an appropriate definition that could be applied by NSOs. The subgroup then looked at different ways of handling disinformation, including the use of monitoring tools and the sharing of good practices. A set of recommended practices on how to handle disinformation was created by the subgroup, which was recently published on the Eurostat website.
DiscussantMr. Lukasz AugustyniakLuxembourg
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