26-28 April 2022 Kraków, Poland

IAOS 2022

Worthy Information

for Challenging Times


3rd Congress of Polish Statistics

The IAOS 2022 Conference is held in parallel. More information about the Congress 

Welcome to IAOS 2022

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to the IAOS 2022 Conference website. 

We have the honour and privilege of inviting you to attend the 18th IAOS Conference which will take place in Kraków, Poland, from 26th to 28th April, 2022.

The IAOS Conferences are special events, bringing together the vibrancy and diversity of the international statistical community, both statistics’ producers and users from different countries around the world. 

The motto of this year’s conference is „Worthy Information for Challenging Times”.

Nowadays the importance of statistics is greater than ever before. The responses of societies and economies to the short and long term consequences of the COVID 19 pandemic are taking place within the challenges of climate change and the international commitments to leave no one behind. Data, and in particular Official Statistics, are key to these responses. Yet with multiple sources and providers, it is often difficult to differentiate the good from the bad, the trustworthy from the unreliable, the relevant from the noise.

In these times, achieving relevance and enhancing trust in information is a fundamental challenge facing Official Statistics. It requires a multi-strand approach. The Official Statistics needs to respond to the need to build shared data governance in a time of the data deluge, ethical challenges that go with the booming role played by data in societies and economies, producing valuable information for policy-making and for public debate, in ways that bring value to users as well as to new and emerging statistical methodologies and technologies able to provide good statistics.

We will be honoured to host you in the beautiful and unique city of Kraków, whose remarkableness stems from its long and glorious history, its splendid and original monuments and its kind people. As the former capital of Poland and one of the oldest academic centres in Europe, Kraków has been a fascinating place for many prominent artists and scientists. Its atmosphere is conducive to reflections on the past, but also to forward-looking thoughts.

We wish you a wonderful, rewarding Conference!

IAOS Partners

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